Court Orders
What Happens After Your Divorce
Orders Are In Place?
Is your court order in need of change? Has your ex failed to pay their child support?
After your court order is in place, there is a high likelihood that you will need to return to court. Frankly, your life will change. And, in some cases, you may need help obtaining the benefits and payments to which you are entitled. Our firm works with you to ensure your support orders are up to date and properly fulfilled.
Max Factor Attorney At Law P.A. is a trusted legal resource in the Tallahassee area. Our firm emphasizes considerate and effective legal care that achieves the best possible results. Reach our office today at 850-577-1699.
What Constitutes Court Involvement?
There are many reasons for court involvement after an established court order is in place. Generally speaking, the reasons fall into one of two categories:
Modification: If a major change occurs, like a job change, move or disability, you may need an update to your court order, including support orders and custody agreements. The court will consider these factors and can alter your existing court orders as appropriate.
Enforcement: If your ex or your co-parent is not fulfilling their court-ordered commitments, the court provides options for you to enforce your agreements. Whether this is in the form of back payments for support orders or a change to your visitation, you can require others to live up to their duty.
Our lawyer provides comprehensive legal representation with a proven track record. Let us advocate for you.
Contact A Lawyer Who Can Help You
For help with alimony in the Tallahassee area, reach our office by
phone or email. You do not have to wait. Take a proactive approach.