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Divorce Law

No one can prepare you for the challenges you might face going through a divorce, but the Tallahassee Divorce Attorneys at Max Factor Law are ready to help navigate you THROUGH those challenges.  Max Factor, Attorney at Law, has been working on divorce cases in Tallahassee for nearly 2 decades and brings to the table a wealth of knowledge about the divorce process.

Whether your divorce case will deal with property division, child custody, paternity, or even divorce in the latter years of life, our team has seen it all and are ready to share with you what we know about getting the best outcome for your during this difficult time.

If you are considering divorce or have been served divorce papers and are now facing the unknown, we can help you with the paperwork, represent you during mediation, and help find solutions that will help define your future success, post-divorce.  From collecting alimony, to enforcing time-sharing with a co-parent, our team will help you take the necessary steps to protect your livelihood.  We also want to be there for you, knowing that this time can be emotional and frustrating.  Our staff will be your ever-present help in time of need providing you not only with sound divorce advice, but with encouragement as well.

Divorce consultations cost $200 and can be scheduled by filling out the form below or by calling us at 850-577-1699.

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Divorce Questions?

Our team is eager to help with divorce matters, and we hope you'll provide us with as much information as possible to begin answering your questions.

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Divorce is such a stressful time for those going through it, no matter your situation.  Our team of qualified divorce lawyers and paralegals are standing by to assist you in your legal situation. 


Whether you are looking to file a divorce claim or have been served divorce papers and are curious about what to do next, our team is here to help answer some of the major questions surrounding divorce processes and proceedings in the state of Florida.

Divorce Podcast

Divorce Articles

I want To File For a Divorce. Where Do I Start?

You're In
The Right Place...
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"Max Factor is unequivocally the premier attorney in Tallahassee. He has worked diligently for me. Every meeting and court appearance, Max was organized and well prepared. His attention to detail is unrivaled.  "

Why Should I Hire A Divorce Attorney?


When you hire an attorney, they will help you through the tedious process of creating and filing a Petition for the Dissolution of Marriage with the state, as well as outline the upcoming timeline to expect during the divorce proceedings, including:

  • serving your divorce petition to your spouse

  • assisting with the multitude of financial disclosure forms

  • negotiate with your spouse (and potentially their attorney) about divorce terms of any child custody related items, if applicable.

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1st Step:
property division

Assessing and Dividing Your Assets will be among the first if not the very first step you take when you start to file for divorce. 

The court will want to determine what assets are marital and if you are required to pay alimony.

Do I need To Hire a divorce Attorney?

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How Will My Children Be Affected By My Divorce?

We Prioritize Your Child's Emotional Well-Being.


Our team focuses on making sure this process is as simple as possible for you, guiding you through the steps of divorce in our state.  As an emotional support for you, we also prioritize the mental and emotional health of your children during the divorce process.

We have several resources available to you to help your children through the divorce process, starting with our resources page.


Bonus Podcast!

2nd Step:
child custody & support

Will I Be Required To 
Pay Alimony?

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3rd Step:
Determine Alimony

What Does The Court Factor In To Alimony?

Florida law provides for spousal support so that both parties in a divorce can have financial resources as they adjust to their new lives.

The courts consider many factors when determining alimony payments, including:

  • How long you were married and if either party was a stay-at-home spouse

  • Each party’s earning potential, including any necessary job training

  • The age and medical needs of both parties

  • The parties’ comparative income and assets

We have several resources available to you to help your children through the divorce process, starting with our resources page.


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