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Updated: Nov 30, 2023

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The holiday season is a joyous time for families to spend a little extra quality time together. For parents in divorce situations the holidays can be challenging to navigate. But, with open communication and some helpful guidance, holiday time-sharing can run smoothly. The most important thing to remember is to put your children's best interest first. Max Factor Law has compiled a list of common time-sharing concerns to ensure your holidays are merry and bright!

blog about holiday time-sharing in florida divorce

What Things Should I Consider When Deciding on Holiday Time-Sharing?

School schedules.

Taking advantage of holiday school closures can create space to plan fun activities around the holidays with your children. Do you know the holiday schedule for your child's school? Take note of holiday observances to help you better plan for days out of school. Holiday breaks are a great time for families to plan vacations or fun things to do together. Make sure you keep up with all school closures, so you aren't caught off guard!

Extended Family.

Many children have extended families who love to see them around the holidays. Perhaps a trip to grandma's or a family reunion is in the works. Be flexible when it comes to allowing your child to spend time with their extended family, even if it isn't your side of the family. Remember, time-sharing is about what is in the best interest of your child, even if you don't particularly like it.


Do you or your child's other parent have holiday traditions that you'd like to keep intact? Incorporating family traditions is a great way for families to bond around the holidays. Allowing your child to participate in family traditions with their other parent is a great way to extend love to your child without being involved. On the other hand, if you have a family tradition you feel is important to include your child in, be sure to include that in your time-sharing agreement.


If you have school-aged children, childcare may not be a daily issue. However, when holiday breaks roll around you will need to decide where they will stay (if you work during the day) and who will cover the cost (if staying in daycare, camp, or other childcare facility). This is an important part of your parenting plan, especially once your children are no longer in daycare and old agreements have expired.


Many families like to use holiday breaks for vacations. Sometimes vacation plans of one parent may overlap with another parents designated time with the children. It is best if you both work together to allow flexibility for these events, but in case you can't, it needs to be added into your time-sharing plan before the holidays.

Links For Local School Calendars for 2023-2024

Helpful Links for Holiday Planning:

Max Factor is a Divorce Attorney in Tallahassee, Florida with decades of experience in family law. He is dedicated to helping families develop well-rounded time-sharing plans that benefit children of all ages. To schedule a consultation to discuss your current parenting plan contact our offices at 850-577-1699.

Best Tallahassee Family Law Attorney


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