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When Does The Department Of Revenue Get Involved In Child Support Cases?

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

blog graphic the department of revenue child support orders

The Florida Department of Revenue offers helpful services for families when it comes to child support cases. Their services do not necessarily negate the need for legal representation, but can be a tool for you to use in addition to other legal services offered by your family law attorney. There are a few ways in which the Department of Revenue can assist in your child support case.

If you do not have legal representation of a child custody or family law attorney the Department of Revenue can help you establish a child support order. A child support order issued by the department has the same legal standing as a child support order issued by the court. The department can also help you establish paternity, modify existing support orders, as well as, enforce child support orders with various measures.

If you do have legal representation of a child custody or family law attorney the DOR can still be of assistance in certain instances. If you already have a court order determining child support your attorney can utilize the Department of Revenue to ensure enforcement of your child support order. The department has the authority to garnish wages, suspend drivers licenses and passports, seize bank accounts, relinquish tax refunds, and even order non-paying parents spend time in jail.

The Department of Revenue can be a great asset when trying to obtain ordered child support. They are not a replacement for hiring a family law attorney and they do have limitations. The department can not provide assistance for divorce proceedings, establishing or modifying time-sharing plans, securing alimony, or navigating property division. Your trusted child custody lawyer can help you with the entire process from divorce through your child is an adult and no longer under your care. Deciding which avenue to take may be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Max Factor Law can assist you with every facet of your family law case without restriction. Contact Max today to schedule a consultation for your child support case to begin the process today.

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